Group Therapy

I know what you are thinking…

“Wait a minute… I am a private person. How am I going to share my stuff with strangers?”

Hold on… stay with me here.

Your emotional safety matters! Plus, as a practical consideration, why would you open up about your “stuff” if you felt threatened or judged?

Don’t fret… I got you!

There are rules to the group, and they center on the Vegas theme: “What is shared in group, stays in group.”

Not only that… but I screen possible members before allowing them in.

Plus, the group takes on its own dynamic, keeping everyone in check since the rules are made within each group. And, as a member of the group, you’ll have a say in the rules.

The group setting is particularly helpful…

You’ll gain insight from others’ experiences and get support and encouragement from group members.

After group, it’s not uncommon to see members embrace or pat each other on the shoulders on the way out.

You’ll benefit from others holding you accountable and help others as you help yourself.

In group therapy, you support group members by your presence and by sharing your journey.

To benefit the most from group therapy…

Be open and honest…

… about what you want to learn and what you are willing to share.

Give and accept feedback…

You have wisdom worth sharing, and learning how to listen and share will help you get the most out of your group.

I’ve seen how groups can change lives forever…

In our anger management group, Ted* realized for the first time just how much harm he was inflicting on his family. It all dawned on him after listening to an older man’s traumatic story of childhood. Ted began taking responsibility for changing his aggressive communication style.

The sobriety group was losing focus, so Zach* stood up and held out his hands. Other members stood and circled him, holding hands as Zach led them in the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage…”

In a group session that used art therapy, Kenan* explained his painting, sharing his grief and loss over the death of his twin. Tears welled in the eyes of his fellow group members. They nodded their heads in acceptance. The quality of art did not matter; it was the heartfelt art that moved mountains that day.

 Here are the groups I offer…

  • Healing through Meditation and Mindfulness
  • Grief and Loss using Art Therapy
  • Parenting Your Tween or Teen
  • New Mothers: From Birth to Tweenies
  • Failure to Launch: How to Fly Solo and Stand on Solid Ground

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Stop thinking about it and let’s start grouping.

Call me today for upcoming group details and times: (949) 933-1242.

Your group is waiting for you to join!

*Names changed to preserve client confidentiality.