“Growing up is hard to do”…
You might remember that famous song from “back in the day.” But teens in the olden days didn’t have to deal with half of what kids are going through today.
Sure, some things haven’t changed… like wanting to be cool, amazing, and loveable so their peers and others like them. We all want to belong and shine, but they REALLY need it!
And we’re all trying to figure ourselves out, but do you remember what it was like when you were a teenager? You were so unformed… there was so much to discover, and it wasn’t always easy.
It’s also a normal part of growing up to think everyone is scrutinizing you. You can tell your kid that’s not true, but then they show you how they’ve been tagged in a social media post. Kids really are “being watched” in a way that we weren’t.
Oh, wait… there’s more:
Video cams on houses, doors, hallways, roads, computers, and TVs…
Cell phones thrust up at a moment’s notice to record anything and everything… anywhere and everywhere…
And Nest and Alexa… Cortana and Lolita (I made that up).
There’s so much noise in their lives!!
I know it’s confusing…
How do you parent your kids through this madness?
What do you do… what do you NOT do?
Do you let them sink or come to the rescue?
Do you helicopter over them like a tracking device or trust them to figure it out?
I can help your kid find their groove and get to a good place.
I help teens tune out the noise of 21st-century distractions to compose a life with their unique, authentic voice – a voice in tune with their own values, morality, clarity, and purpose.
We’ll look at their strengths, values, different forms of intelligence, skills, preferences, personality, and attributes… and teach them to appreciate these things, grow their sense of self, and feel secure in their place in the world.
Like a domino effect, their expanding self-awareness will create greater self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. And as they get more comfortable living authentically, they’ll develop self-trust, grit, and resilience. Like acquiring a superpower, they’ll be more and more capable of saying “no” to harmful situations and “yes” to positive adventures. They’ll be kind and strong in their faith and surety of self, regardless of outside cultural forces working against them.
That’s what we want for our kids, right?
We want them to make positive choices, push outside their comfort zone (within the bounds of reason), and act with good morals and values (and feel good inside about it).
Are you a LITTLE frustrated reading this?
If you are, it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s a common reaction. After all, you’ve likely said these same things a hundred times at home.
But tweens and teens react to it differently from me because I’m not their parent. I know it’s frustrating, but therapy works because I’m NOT part of their daily life (that, and because I’m a licensed clinician with LOTS of experience in this!).
Your kids need your support at home, of course, but this external support is very much needed – especially with what tweens and teens are going through today.
I know you’re a good parent who’s willing to do anything to love and guide your kids, but there is so much anxiety and pressure out there… they’re dealing with so much! Plus, kids today are REALLY GOOD at internalizing their negative emotions, doubts, criticisms, and judgments. Unfortunately, good, positive, encouraging parenting isn’t enough to deal with it.
Your family is the most powerful force in your child’s life.
It’s the most important place in the world for your tween or teen to belong. It’s their primary source of hope, strength, forgiveness, love, and power.
My approach is holistic, so I heartily embrace the power of wrapping your teen within the family system. Family matters to your teen’s success. Let’s keep the connection. Accordingly, I engage in weekly update calls with one designated family member and, after several sessions with your child, I encourage them to bring in their family for a session.
This is important to update you on progress, gain your support on what we’re working on in session, and give me insight into the dynamics of your family. Weekly calls also give me a chance to support you as your teen works through their stuff.
It’s important to work with teens because this is a critical time in their life.
There’s so much promise in a young life full of hope and opportunities. Anything (for good or bad) is possible. It’s a blessing to have the chance to assist them on their path – to put them on a trajectory for growth, happiness, and fulfillment.
I’ve spent many years working with adults. I’ve heard their stories and felt their pain, and I’ve seen how their resentment and bitterness have stunted them.
They often lament:
“If only I could go back in time to that confused and pissed-off teen – always fighting – always trying to prove he wasn’t afraid… even though he was scared shitless of growing up and being a loser.”
“I was a lost, innocent girl, and I traded myself for drugs and sex, thinking it would bring me love and acceptance. I would do anything to go back and change things because I know I could have been better.”
It’s heartbreaking.
Here’s the truth…
There are as many paths as there are teens. We all take a different journey through this messy, uncertain stage of growth. Some make it through okay… while others, even with supportive, loving families, struggle endlessly with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, cutting, eating disorders, gender dysmorphia, trauma, isolation, and more.
Let me partner with you to help your tween or teen at this pivotal time in their life. I have been working with teens for much of my decades-long teaching, coaching, and counseling career.
I have no agenda other than to be on “team teen,” working only for their good… and wanting only for them to be happy, successful human beings.
Let’s see how we can work together. Give me a call today for your free consultation: (949) 933-1242.